Cosmic Fro

She had big hair
lookin like a tree 
in ten thousand leaves,
and it shook
like five thousand souls
a million years old,
dancing in the eye of a storm.

She grabbed a hold of that hair
and sniffed—
a batch of wheat in her hands,
hungry, greedy,
bluer than ballads
that wrap round your heart
in a neon-nailed fist
and shake you up, shake you—
a snow globe in your chest.

She picked through pomp—
lint n stars like seeds in cotton
all up in her cosmic fro,
—curlin into kinks,
wrapped round a ball
of fire they call the sun.

And that’s what she became,
a valley
heady with hyacinth and lavender 
off the coast of France,
tipped in tiny flowers,
nipples purpled and plumed.

And when the wind whirled
—periwinkle petals in circles
about her that blossomed 
into prayers and burst 
through the heart-shaped box
of her hallowed cage—
it lit her up (split her up),
leaving God-prints in its wake.

It littered an ancient path 
away from this place
to where the zen gardens grow,
a solitary space
where she can sit with Buddha
to study the Tao
until she knows how
to breathe fire again.

I Am Ethnicity

When I was born
I was white
with kinky hair
my eyes
the shape of almonds
Asian almost

When I grew
so did the bones of my cheeks
like tiny mountain peeks
of the red Sedonians
brown like the Arizonian
proud like the Indian

Now as I am
I wonder what to be
of the people of my father
east of the Mississippi
or the people of my mother
south of Mexico City

What is it I am?
granddaughter of la Mestiza
niña de la Chicana
paying homage to
Our Lady Guadalupe
the great mother of Malinche

What it is I am
is a woman
born of a Mexican
bearing the face
of an African
living life 
as an American
knowing I am no more
than human

*previously published in The Pacific Review

Delight in Disrobing

You undo me
And I am ribbons
Littering your living room floor
Opened Christmas gifts
Tissue-papered birthday wish
Hoping for something more

You unravel me
And I am unthreaded and unzipped
Tote bag and t-shirt slipping from shoulders
Like hangers now bare
Bedroom closets empty and unkempt
My restless spirit disrobed but unscared

You unfasten me
And I am fluttering to my soles
Dresses and defenses slipping away
Silk thongs and pushup bras constraining me no more
Carelessly discarded on bathroom tiled floors
Lifting me and leaving me unafraid to leave this world

You unpin me
And I am loosened
Insecurities slipping away
Uncovering crown
While unhindering heart
My soul naked now and so free
My red and raw exfoliated face scrubbed clean
Grime and mildew from a lifetime’s grip on survival
Cleansed away

*previously published in Oysters & Chocolate